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EFT Tapping: 5 Real Life Success Stories

If you have been following this series of articles on EFT, hopefully, you have been encouraged to try it for yourself. Or perhaps you already are using this self-help tool, and have gained insight into some new ways of using it in your life.

The best way to finish up this series of articles is to give you some good examples of people who have actually made significant change in their lives through the use of tapping.

I have worked with many clients over the years, but I would like to share just a few stories that will give you a good sense of what can happen if you leave just a small space open for possibilities. I have found that creating a safe space for exploration and then approaching each situation without expectation of what might happen, many times you will be amazed by the results.

Our pre-conceived beliefs and judgments are sometimes our biggest hindrance to change. Being open to new ideas and results is the first step in realizing them. Tapping is a great tool for not only working on problems and symptoms but on the beliefs we hold around those problems or symptoms.

Here are some examples of real-life people who have moved forward using EFT:

1. She lived with a fear of leaving her house:

About 10 years ago, a client came to me as a referral from her sister who was my client also. She suffered from agoraphobia, which caused her to get very anxious when she left her house. She had a fear of not only unfamiliar environments but even felt anxious at her sister’s house.

We worked together for three sessions over a couple months doing EFT along with some coaching, and she was able to manage her anxiety and reduce her panic attacks until she actually became able to go places without fear. I recently re-connected with her sister to do some coaching again, and I asked how Claire was doing now. She said she is able to go places and remain calm. If she does feel any anxiety begin to rise up, she taps it away and is able to manage it.

2. She experienced anxiety whenever she smelled cigar smoke:

I had another client several years ago named Marie who always had a panic attack whenever she would even just walk by someone on the street smoking a cigar. She knew it was related to her traumatic experiences as a child where she was the victim of child abuse and her perpetrator was a cigar smoker. Although she had been through therapy and had healed much of her trauma, the cigar smoke association continued to stick.

I had another client several years ago named Marie who always had a panic attack whenever she would even just walk by someone on the street smoking a cigar. She knew it was related to her traumatic experiences as a child where she was the victim of child abuse and her perpetrator was a cigar smoker. Although she had been through therapy and had healed much of her trauma, the cigar smoke association continued to stick.

After several sessions of EFT, she was feeling confident that she had eliminated this problem. She happened to take her car in for some repair work and the person who worked on it happened to be smoking a cigar. She was amazed how she had no reaction—no shortness of breath, no feelings of panic that she had previously experienced. Marie has also recently re-hired me to do some business coaching, and I asked her about the cigar smoke. She said, “Nope not an issue anymore at all.”

So if you feel stuck in old outdated patterns or beliefs, or just want to move ahead with less struggle and more ease, give this self-help tool a try. There are absolutely no side effects and nothing to lose.

3. A woman with Chronic back pain:

A woman attended a class of mine one evening and she was skeptical of the process but came to check it out. She had a pain that bugged her that ran down her right hip and leg. It had been going on for several weeks. She had been to the chiropractor, etc. but it hadn’t budged. We did several rounds of tapping in the class. She was pretty self-aware and when we explored the emotion related to this pain, the anger she was holding around her boyfriend came up. We did some tapping on this anger and when we were finished the leg pain was gone. I know to the logical mind the two seem unrelated, but the results were dramatic! In a follow-up months later, that pain has never returned.

4. She wanted to stop smoking:

A young woman came to me who had been smoking for 10 years and really wanted to be smoke-free. We did a combination of EFT and some hypnosis and she was able to stop after just 3 sessions and has been smoke-free for over 10 years. The EFT not only helped with reducing the nicotine cravings, but it calmed her anxiety, which was part of the reason she began smoking.

5. A businessperson who procrastinated sales calls:

I had a client who owned her own business and was quite successful, but she hated the way she procrastinated every time she sat down to call prospects. She would get very nervous and visualize them rejecting and getting mad at her. She would do just about anything to avoid making these calls that were vital to her business growth. After learning EFT, she was able to quickly do a few rounds each time she had to do her calls. It helped calm her down and dissipate the negative charges to where she could be more relaxed and neutral and much more effective.


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